Communicate Effectively. Communicate with confidence
+7 (495) 969-87-46

English | Russian

Course Content

You will master all of the following skills and demonstrate mastery in writing examinations:

    Plan and organize.

  • Have clear objectives.
  • Provide information that suits the reader's knowledge of the subject, educational background, technical expertise, need for concrete explanations, and need for depth of knowledge.
  • Include everything every intended reader needs to achieve your objectives.
  • Respond to requests by providing precisely what the person asked for under the conditions specified.
  • Give readers the information they need at the specific points where they need it for maximum understanding.
  • Build the communication infrastructure.

  • In emails, letters, and memos, write thanks, commendations, and genuine statements of good will that build teams and partnerships with clients.
  • Present the information with consideration for the reader's possible reaction to the subject and you.
  • Use the tone and level of formality that fit the objectives and the reader.
  • Prepare readers to understand and act.

  • Write email subject lines using words that alert the reader to the contents, required action, or critical information in the email.
  • In the introduction, explain everything readers need to know to understand fully why they are receiving the document.
  • In the introduction, describe all actions the reader is expected to perform and any critical information the reader must know.
  • Write a clear statement of the contents at the end of the introduction so readers know what to expect and can prepare for reading.
  • Provide a clear framework that guides readers.

  • Put the information into clearly defined blocks that the reader can read, understand, and remember, one block at a time.
  • For each information block, write an explicit opening statement the reader can use to begin putting the block's details into a framework.
  • For lists with items that are each several paragraphs or pages long, open the lists with statements of the contents and open each list item with a description of the item's contents.
  • Present information in a clear visual blueprint so readers can see the organization as they read.
  • Write explicitly clear explanations.

  • Write concrete, detailed descriptions of problems and issues.
  • Write requests that state directly, unambiguously, and completely what you are requesting.
  • Use key terms consistently.
  • Use key terms consistently.
  • Write clear, concise paragraphs, sentences, and words.

  • Write concisely.
  • Write clear, focused, organized paragraphs that help readers identify, understand, and remember concepts.
  • Write active sentences that are complete, clear, and straightforward.
  • Use only simple punctuation.
  • Use words every intended reader will understand.
  • Write a final draft that has correct usage (grammar, punctuation, and spelling) and uses clear formatting.

  • Polish and proofread all documents.
  • Use formatting that makes the text easy to read.
Address: Moscow
Polkovaya 3, building 3
Tel: +7 (495) 969-87-46

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