Communicate Effectively. Communicate with confidence
+7 (495) 969-87-46

English | Russian

The Basic Grammar and Writing Skills for Business course contains training in both usage (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure) and business writing (e-mail, memos, letters, reports, and other documents). The focus is on providing the business writer who has some usage problems with the instruction to make his or her writing clear, effective, and correct. The training materials include an online index for continued use of the reference tools after the course is finished. Course materials remain online for the duration of the course and after the course is finished.

Course Content

The Writing Training Portion of the Course

    Letter and Memo Formats

    Use a standard letter format.

    Use a standard memo format.

    Prepare Your Notes.

    Prepare notes for your email, memo, letter, or report.

    Organize the Writing.

    Organize the notes.

    Introduce the Content.

    For emails and memos, always write a clear, meaningful subject line.

    For letters, use a "Subject" or "Re" line if your company customarily uses it.

    Write a clear, complete introduction.

    For emails, letters, and memos, write a cordial beginning or buffer.

    State the contents of the email, letter, or memo.

    Write Explanations in Blocks

    Write the explanations in blocks.

    Keep explanations of a subject together in one block.

    Check each block for focus.

    Check each block for completeness.

    Open each block with a statement of the contents.

    Use headings to open blocks.

    Bold field or data names to identify them as blocks.

    Present Lists Clearly.

    Create lists.

    Open list blocks.

    Mark the list items clearly.

    Keep list items in a single list.

    Keep list items in the same format.

    Write Clear, Complete Explanations.

    Use key words consistently.

    Use full phrases to define words clearly.

    Write Clear, Effective Sentences, Paragraphs, and Words.

    Use paragraphs to organize information.

    Write concisely.

    Combine sentences to show relationships and use short sentences to be clear.

    Write clear, simple, straightforward sentences.

    Write strong, direct sentences.

    Use words the reader will understand.

    Prepare a Polished, Correct Final Draft

    Use your spell checker and grammar checker.


    Format the email to be readable.

The Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Sentence Structure Portion of the Course

  Course Pre-test

Lesson 1: Proofreading Principles

Lesson 2: Using Active Voice

  Practice Diagnostic Test

Lesson 3: Omissions, Additions, Typos

Lesson 4: Number Accuracy

Lesson 5: Transposition Errors

  Session 1 Optional Practice

  Session 1 Diagnostic Test

Lesson 6: Abbreviations

Lesson 7: Word Division

Lesson 8: Number Expression

Lesson 9: Capitalization

  Session 2 Diagnostic Test

Lesson 10: Commas

Lesson 11: Other Punctuation

Lesson 12: Special Punctuation

Lesson 13: Spelling

Lesson 14: Confusing Words

  Session 3 Diagnostic Test

Lesson 15: Subject/Verb Agreement

Lesson 16: Pronoun Agreement

Lesson 17: Using Defined Terms Consistently

Lesson 18: Citing Sources

  Session 4 Diagnostic Test

Course Post-test

Address: Moscow
Polkovaya 3, building 3
Tel: +7 (495) 969-87-46

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