Communicate Effectively. Communicate with confidence
+7 (495) 969-87-46

English | Russian

"E-Learning is being pulled offline into "traditional" classroom settings. Studies have shown that the rhythm of classes, peer group support and interaction are the greatest benefits of in-person training in addition, of course, to the quality of teaching personnel. Online programs supported by in- person sessions lead to a 100 per cent completion rate, compared 8-15 per cent for online only.

"E-Learning is being pulled offline into "traditional" classroom settings. Studies have shown that the rhythm of classes, peer group support and interaction are the greatest benefits of in-person training in addition, of course, to the quality of teaching personnel. Online programs supported by in- person sessions lead to a 100 per cent completion rate, compared 8-15 per cent for online only.

Wired UK, April, 2014

Why Blended Learning?

Effective and Flexible Training

Dialog's Blended learning approach allows students to combine the best of classroom instruction with the best of guided online learning and to combine these models with Dialog's "out of the classroom" learning activities and programs that enables students to actually use the language they're learning. Dialog's Blended learning approach allows students to combine the best of classroom instruction with the best of guided online learning and to combine these models with Dialog's "out of the classroom" learning activities and programs that enables students to actually use the language they're learning.

At Dialog, we simply call it the Perfect Blend. Our language learning solution provides you with the perfect combination of live communication skills training, interactive courseware, personalized coaching and free out of the classroom learning activities and programs.

The benefits to the learner of blended learning system include:

  • Effective learning guaranteed for a wide learner audience as learners select from a wide range of alternatives to match their personal learning styles;
  • Face-to-face learning ensures that the all-important spoken communication practice in situations relevant to the learner is maintained;
  • Guided Online E-Learning allows the learners to work on language areas and topics which are important to them and to prepare effectively for a face-to-face session. This frees up classroom time for more speaking practice activities;
  • A blended option gives learners more control over their own learning, allowing them to select topics and activity types according to their own needs;
  • A blended option gives learners the opportunity to actually use their newly- acquired language skills in comfortable environments with their peers and native speakers; and
  • The learner has increased flexibility in terms of time and location for learning.

Learning a foreign language presents different challenges for different people in different contexts. The reasons for learning a foreign language are as diverse as the ways different individuals approach the task of learning new vocabulary, figuring out new grammar rules, listening, reading, and speaking in a language other than their native language. A range of methods and approaches are often used to introduce new language, and a variety of classroom management techniques are employed to maximize practice opportunities. In short, there is no one way to learn a language, just as there is no one way to teach it.

As a language school, we understand that to serve the needs of our learners, we need to create an environment that most closely resembles actual use of the target language. In attempting to achieve the most optimal learning environment, we have a number of resources and tools available. Recording devices, video players, newspapers, and language laboratories all provide different and varied access to content. We employ a variety of activity types with group work and pair work, collaborative learning and independent learning to engage our learners in communicative language practice. We address the need for personalized learning through the introduction of self-study resources designed for independent study.

The Blended Learning Approach

The Dialog blended learning solutions consist of a combination of 5 key components. The components are effectively linked together to ensure added-value and maximum flexibility for the learners in terms of location, timing and content.

  1. Initial Placement Test
  2. Classroom Instruction
  3. Guided E Learning
  4. Online Learning Support
  5. Out of the Classroom Programs and Activities

The ratio of face-to-face and online learning time recommended by Dialog varies according to many factors, e.g., the client company's strategic goals and the urgency of the learners' need for the language. However, our experience shows that the ratio of face-to-face learning should not be below 50% so that the all-important practice of actual communication in the language is at the forefront of learning. It also gives the participants personalized feedback and allows them to learn to self-evaluate their own language skills.

Address: Moscow
Polkovaya 3, building 3
Tel: +7 (495) 969-87-46

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